Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hey painters! Just a quickie post. Expect some snail mail soon-ish...sooner if I can find my damned stamps! Grumble Grumble....
Also, I desperately need some readers for my blog, you know, to make me WANT to post things on it. I had a brief hiatus from the web last week due to my macbook who decided to go towards the light. But I am back, with a terribly slow and old pc, and will hopefully have things to post as well....terrible shameless plug!!!!! :(
<------ this is huckleberry by the and jens new kitten...yes we still have evil Lizzy...but she is nice now. HE is pure evil.

Also....don't get too excited yet...but I MAY be soon an Artist in Residence at a place in Philly!!!! It's still unsure, but I had to share my excitement!

Love love love
Miss you all too much for words

1 comment:

  1. :)
    good to hear news jes!! give me your blog address, i can make a buttn for it here and on my blog and make a post about you

    you and meg are only ones without buttons here...
    so tell me, and get on posteseses

    again so glad you updated us:)
